Sunday, March 6, 2011

Juliet vs. The Women From "The House On Mango Street"

Juliet is very similar to the women in The House On Mango Street. All the women are trapped in their own world some how by different people in their lives. The women are not allowed to go out and stuck at home and told what to do for the bulk of there day. For Juliet and the women there are told who they should marry and how they should be like. Unlike the the women Juliet is more privileged in the sense that she dose not have to stay at home to watch children, clean, nor cook and is more privileged to go out but must be accompanied. With Juliet it is less of her father or husband creating isolation for her but her status in the society. As being almost royalty and coming from a very wealthy family she has to be preserved and carry on the family name with an honor. The women from "The House On Mango Street were more imprisoned on able to go out or use the phone and have no sense of communication at all. Taken away from everyday freedoms such as education and a social life.    

Monday, November 8, 2010

Incindents In the Life of a Slave Girl #4

 As I read pages 179- 178 I found myself intrested in how diffrent the North was for Linda. "I looked up, and to my, astonishment and indignation, saw that the speaker was a colored man. If his office required him to enforce the by-laws of the boat, he might at least, have done it politely" (Jacobs 180). This is the first time Linda has ever faced segregation or what I like to call  "Social Slavery" . Even though African Americans may not have to work in the field and be whiped, they still feel the pain fromnot be accepeted by society. Lind also says "I found it very hard to preserve my self-control, when I looked round, and saw women who were nurses. as I was, and only one shade lighter in complexion, eyeing me with a defiant look, as if my presence were a contamination" (181). Linda Seem to belive that just because she is in the North she no longer have to strugle and everything would be fine. Which was not the case

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl #3

As I read pages 151-172 I felt fear but at the same time joy for Linda Brent. The fear that she would risk everything to no longer be a slave. As many tomes her grandmother told her that it was unsafe for not only her but everyone that she loved and knew of this plan. While constantly reminding her of her brother William and all he went thought. Even with that guilt she decided to risk it all and go. Lind even put her self through uncomfortable situation, "I lived in that little dismal hole, almost deprived of light and air, and with no space to move my limbs, for nearly seven years" (Jacobs 151). As I read the book I try to but my self in her shoes and I realize that I font thin I'm strong enough to endure half of the tribulation she goes through. Later on in the reading Linda finally makes it to the free states " I called Franny to see the sun rise, for the first time in our lives, on free soil; for such i then believed it to be" (163). At this point I was over whelmed with joy for Linda to have all her pain be over and finally feel thing other then the hardships of slavery. I was also shocked about how extremely different the slave states were to the free. To me it was as if as soon as u steped on to free land everyone seem to be a lot nicer to each other. One part that i questioned  in the reading was when Jacobs writes "The Anti-Slavery Society agreed to pay her expenses to New York. The same was offered to me but I declined to except it" (167). I wonder why didn't Linda take the money from the society and keep the money her grandmother gave her?  

Monday, October 25, 2010

Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl #2

I found pages 64- 87 quite interesting. One part that was discussed in the reading was religion. On page 70 it said “Servants, be obedient to the that they are your master according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart”( Jacobs 70). Since slaves were no longer allowed to be given religious instruction for another black person they had to be taught by a white person which gave them the wrong perspective on Christianity. The text says “ The class leader was the town constable-a man who bought and sold slaves, who whipped his brethren and sisters of the church at the public whipping post” (72). I was so amazed by how one could teach about God but be such a contradiction and so hypocritical about his ways. I t made such a huge impact on how a slave could see his or her life, as if they were made to be a slave and that it is God purpose for them. Which also make them believe that if this is what God made me to do then I don’t want to go against God, and shouldn't be the one to go against God and change whats happening. Linda speaks of how surprised she is that Mr. Flint joined the church, I was shocked by how Mr. Flint replayed by saying “It was proper for me to do so. I'm getting in years, and my position in society requires me it”(77). For people like Mr. Flint it was no longer about the actual practice of the religion but another stage in life, and show to but on to make it seem like you are a righteous man. Another part of the treading talks about how a slaveholder would tell a clergyman who would go to the south for the first time about how good slavery was and how slaves had so many privileges which of course was a lie. But if you knew slavery was bad enough to lie about it why do you continue to do it. Another part that interesting is how horrible slavery was that your own mother it constantly repeating that it would be better if you were just dead. Lind says “How earnestly I prayed that she might never feel the weight of slavery's chain”(81). The reading also made me realize how the small things as reading and writing are so normal to us but such a big deal to them. Also how one or two things go wrong and we think we've had it tough, but they had to live through never ending chain of hardships.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Incindents In The Life Of A Slave Girl ( Entry 1 )

  Incindents in the Life of a Save Girl by Jacobs is an historical narrative describing the life of Jacobs through a character named Linda Brent, as she goes through the hardships and experiences of slavery. In the narrative Jacobs writes " Two years had passed since I entered Dr. Flint's family ( Jacobs 15). One would think a family was a group of people that love and care for each other, but in this case Jacobs was not speaking of people that are related by blood, but by the family that was carved into young minds since the age of six, the family of slaves. Its amusing how Jacob could compare something so subtle to something as painful as slavery. Another point I found fascinating is when Linda was remembering when she saw a young slave girl dying soon after the birth of a child. The girls mother said " The baby is dead, thank God; and my poor child will soon be in heaven, too (12). Its shocking how bad conditions could possibly get that you wanting the best for grandchild and child is wanting death, so they don't have to go through the reality and pain of the world there being born too. A world where it was a crime for a slave to tell who the father of her child was, children were taken away from their from their parents and sold at a young age, blood is constantly being shed, and people risk their lives to become a free man. Slaves are "dogs"to be ordered by thier master, "foot-balls" to be kicked around, and "cattle" to work and provide for their owners!     

....... But Thats Just What I Think

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Reality vs. Ideal

Let's talk about the school these days, it this whole new jungle in a compact learning environment. Today school is NOT only about education and learning its something between a fashion show, boxing ring, and a virtual Facebook. Other then the education school is a social network, from knowing everyone or to being known by everyone or to sitting by your self at lunch or just your circle of friends. Now we have the student theirs the best and the absolute worst. There the ones that stick with you no matter what and wont tell anyone your secretes. The hardest part about them is finding them what more people are finding out these days is rumors get around almost faster then a speeding bullet and kids are the meanest species alive and people will make your life a living hell. Above the students we have the teachers. Some that we are totally cool with and others that are so evil you will even question is they are human or went to school themselves. They give out these ridiculous amount of homework like they don't know that we have 8 other teachers that do the same. They give us unnecessary test almost class on every single thing we learned. Above the teachers here is the administrators, the people that really much except for yell at us and call our parents when were in trouble and give us long assemblies about future readiness. Last but not least we have our wonderful parents it the easiest thing to have to have straight A's magically appear on our report cards but what the don't want to hear about is how colleges don't only want to see good grades but activity’s to such as sports and clubs which also take up a huge amount of time.
f was to have a school of my own it be a different story. We would that gourmet food for breakfast and lunch with snacks in between classes. No student would be sitting alone at lunch and no student should be able to control any other student. An appropriate amount of homework to review what you did in class or to review for a upcoming test. School would start at 8:00 and end at 2:00. you would also get to pick out when you want your classes to take place. A requirement for teacher would be to be nice and make learning fun and constantly giving out candy. My school wouldn't only be about getting an education but a place to express your self and no one will tell u that your wrong. I would keep the curriculum and discipline the same. The building would be big and with escalators for students so they don't have to walk so much and the students would get to design their own lockers.

                                              ....... But Thats Just What I Think