Monday, November 8, 2010

Incindents In the Life of a Slave Girl #4

 As I read pages 179- 178 I found myself intrested in how diffrent the North was for Linda. "I looked up, and to my, astonishment and indignation, saw that the speaker was a colored man. If his office required him to enforce the by-laws of the boat, he might at least, have done it politely" (Jacobs 180). This is the first time Linda has ever faced segregation or what I like to call  "Social Slavery" . Even though African Americans may not have to work in the field and be whiped, they still feel the pain fromnot be accepeted by society. Lind also says "I found it very hard to preserve my self-control, when I looked round, and saw women who were nurses. as I was, and only one shade lighter in complexion, eyeing me with a defiant look, as if my presence were a contamination" (181). Linda Seem to belive that just because she is in the North she no longer have to strugle and everything would be fine. Which was not the case

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