Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl #3

As I read pages 151-172 I felt fear but at the same time joy for Linda Brent. The fear that she would risk everything to no longer be a slave. As many tomes her grandmother told her that it was unsafe for not only her but everyone that she loved and knew of this plan. While constantly reminding her of her brother William and all he went thought. Even with that guilt she decided to risk it all and go. Lind even put her self through uncomfortable situation, "I lived in that little dismal hole, almost deprived of light and air, and with no space to move my limbs, for nearly seven years" (Jacobs 151). As I read the book I try to but my self in her shoes and I realize that I font thin I'm strong enough to endure half of the tribulation she goes through. Later on in the reading Linda finally makes it to the free states " I called Franny to see the sun rise, for the first time in our lives, on free soil; for such i then believed it to be" (163). At this point I was over whelmed with joy for Linda to have all her pain be over and finally feel thing other then the hardships of slavery. I was also shocked about how extremely different the slave states were to the free. To me it was as if as soon as u steped on to free land everyone seem to be a lot nicer to each other. One part that i questioned  in the reading was when Jacobs writes "The Anti-Slavery Society agreed to pay her expenses to New York. The same was offered to me but I declined to except it" (167). I wonder why didn't Linda take the money from the society and keep the money her grandmother gave her?  

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