Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Reality vs. Ideal

Let's talk about the school these days, it this whole new jungle in a compact learning environment. Today school is NOT only about education and learning its something between a fashion show, boxing ring, and a virtual Facebook. Other then the education school is a social network, from knowing everyone or to being known by everyone or to sitting by your self at lunch or just your circle of friends. Now we have the student theirs the best and the absolute worst. There the ones that stick with you no matter what and wont tell anyone your secretes. The hardest part about them is finding them what more people are finding out these days is rumors get around almost faster then a speeding bullet and kids are the meanest species alive and people will make your life a living hell. Above the students we have the teachers. Some that we are totally cool with and others that are so evil you will even question is they are human or went to school themselves. They give out these ridiculous amount of homework like they don't know that we have 8 other teachers that do the same. They give us unnecessary test almost class on every single thing we learned. Above the teachers here is the administrators, the people that really much except for yell at us and call our parents when were in trouble and give us long assemblies about future readiness. Last but not least we have our wonderful parents it the easiest thing to have to have straight A's magically appear on our report cards but what the don't want to hear about is how colleges don't only want to see good grades but activity’s to such as sports and clubs which also take up a huge amount of time.
f was to have a school of my own it be a different story. We would that gourmet food for breakfast and lunch with snacks in between classes. No student would be sitting alone at lunch and no student should be able to control any other student. An appropriate amount of homework to review what you did in class or to review for a upcoming test. School would start at 8:00 and end at 2:00. you would also get to pick out when you want your classes to take place. A requirement for teacher would be to be nice and make learning fun and constantly giving out candy. My school wouldn't only be about getting an education but a place to express your self and no one will tell u that your wrong. I would keep the curriculum and discipline the same. The building would be big and with escalators for students so they don't have to walk so much and the students would get to design their own lockers.

                                              ....... But Thats Just What I Think


  1. This is soooo true! its as if the adults totally forget how hard the pressures of school can be! Like, if you dont sit with "cool people" at luch your status goes down. its so ridiculous, why cant people just get along? we all have to do the same thing! i wish my parents and teachers would remember this!!!

  2. Oh My god. When I first read "Today school is NOT only about education and learning its something between a fashion show, boxing ring, and a virtual Facebook." I was like that is the truest of true lines! It just made my Life. Being socially accepted is way harder than it should be. People really shouldnt judge you by who you sit with may not have as many friends as others. Everyone should be able to get along with everyone. I love this and your ideal school.

  3. you're on point with this it's like are parents think were machines or something, acting like getting straight A's is the easiest thing in the world

  4. That needs to happen we need to strike immediately actually . Because we are not allowed to do that. Also yes school is just like that. I feel you.
